Seashore Treasures

Seashore Treasures
June 2023

I made this Simply Serene quilt using scraps from my scraps bins and scraps that I had received from Jocelyn over at Happy Cottage Quilter. While I missed the cutoff to include this quilt in this year’s Hands2Help Challenge, hosted by Sarah over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, I plan to include this with the other three quilts I’ll be sending to Little Lambs Foundation in Utah. Little Lambs Foundation provides backpacks full of comfort items for children from newborn to 17 who are transitioning into foster care, emergency shelters, or hospitalization. This year’s Hands2Help Challenge generated over 625 donation quilts!

The backing fabric is one I’ve had in my stash for a long time. It’s a beautiful turquoise color with seashells printed in white. The manufacturer name on the salvage is Leon B Rosenblatt Textiles LTD. The company dates back to the 1950’s and appears to still be in business, based out of NYC. I inherited this fabric from my Granny and would guess that it is from the late 1960’s – early 1970’s, but that’s just a guess.