Super Nova

Super Nova
August 2019

Do you have a fabric in your stash that sits there day-in and day-out, month-after-month, year-after-year, taunting you to make something of it? Challenging you to do something to let it be the shining star it is? But, in your eyes, it lacks. It won’t play well with others. It doesn’t have a pretty motif, it isn’t modern, and its colors are juxtaposed in an odd way.

The plaid binding fabric in my Super Nova quanket was this fabric. It is one I probably would not have picked out in the store. I’m not sure if you can zoom in enough to see it clearly, so I’ll try my best to describe it. It is a very small plaid print that seems to want to be a Christmas fabric, but the red is closer to magenta and the green is so dark that from afar, it is difficult to discern as green at all. I had acquired it from a donation several years ago, and it has sat in my stash patiently waiting its turn to be used. Well, its day has come! It, along with several other homespun plaids, and magenta and dark green scraps have been used in this Bursting Star quilt. If you are interested in this pattern, you can download it for free from Bluprint here. *I revised the pattern slightly, around the central star.

This was donated to the County of Ventura, Children & Family Services for a child in foster care in August 2019.