Check This!


Check This!
October 2013

For me, patterns and ideas for quilts come from just about anywhere I can find them. The pattern I used for my Check This! quilt was a picture of a quilt that was in my local fabric store’s weekly flyer. I had a lot of checkered fabrics and some homespun plaids that I wanted to use, and this pattern was well suited for them. Much of the fabric was from a bag of material I acquired from someone’s kind, free posting on craigslist.

I donated Check This! to the County of Ventura, Children & Family Services, in December 2013.

Yellow Lava Pinwheels


Yellow Lava Pinwheels
September 2013

Here is another quilt where I bought some new fabric that I just couldn’t resist! The tropical flower fabric is a new fabric, while the yellow and pink fabric used for the pinwheels is left over fabric, mostly from Paul’s Mom. I used red fabric from the shorts she wanted me to incorporate into a quilt, so now the shorts are in two quilts: this one and Who Let the Dogs Out. The shorts were really a skort, that were blue on one half and red on the other. The red fabric from the skort is in the red pinwheel, shown in the picture where the upper left corner is folded back.

I donated this quilt to the County of Ventura, Children & Family Services, in October 2013.