Land’s Edge

Land’s Edge
March 2019

Back in January I tackled my blue scraps bin and created the Bargello twist and turn quilt I named 3273 K. Of the 500 scrappy blue rectangles I cut for that project, I still had about 100 left. So instead of trying to cram them back into my scraps bin, I pulled out all my skinny blue and brown string scraps and made this! No pattern, just winging it 😉

There are so many different fabrics in this quanket, I wouldn’t know where to start to list which ones are “pieces of the past” – heck, I guess they’re all technically “pieces of the past” since they’re all from past projects! I plan to link this to the weekly linky party over at Quilting is more fun than Housework. Pop over to see all the other great scappy projects others have been working on.

Quilting is more fun than Housework

This was donated to the County of Ventura, Children & Family Services in March 2019, for a foster child.


February 2019

Early this year, we got devastating news: our youngest daughter was diagnosed with HER2+ breast cancer. At 31 years old, life has dealt her some harsh knocks. Yet while the justice scales seem quite out-of-whack where she is concerned, she has faced the challenges that life has thrown at her head-on, with such resolve and a fighting spirit. She is truly a modern day Spartan warrior! That is where the name I chose comes from: a hoplon was the warriors shield.

Before she began chemo treatments in mid-February, I made this quilt for her. I intended it to be symbolic of the hoplon, shielding her in the tremendous amount of love her family and friends have for her. The center LOVE is quilted while the outer blocks (Clay’s Choice) are tied. The sashing between each of the outer blocks have written messages of hope, love, strength and healing from family and friends.
