Teal Waters Run Deep

Donation Blocks for Teal Waters Run Deep

June 2024

Each year, in honor of my sister and her sister-in-law, I make blocks to be included in a quilt donation for the Trudy Crowley Foundation fund-raiser held in Australia. The foundation supports the Trudy Crowley Center, providing a safe space, self-care and advice for those with ovarian cancer and their families. Kate over at Tall Tales from Chiconia is the maestro for the donation quilt, orchestrating the theme, layout and final assembly, and coordinating with the many quilters who provide blocks. Each year, she comes up with clever and fun new themes, and this year’s theme is Teal Waters Run Deep. As an avid sailor, the theme really resonated with me.

My three blocks tell a story from my time sailing. My husband and I have been sailors for nearly forty years, sailing off the shore of Southern California in an area called Channel Islands. The sailboat block is to represent our sailboat. Our first sailboat was a 1969, 25′ Islander Excalibur that we christened, Anduril to pay homage to another great King’s sword. Our second was a 1983, 40′ Jeanneau we christened Whiplash Smile to honor her history of being owned and sailed by Billy Idol’s manager. Our current boat is a 2016, 45′ Beneteau, we christened Wind Thieves.

The postage stamp block with the appliqued whale is for the many times we have had the good fortune of seeing whales while out sailing, a sight that never gets tiring. We’ve seen Humpbacks, Grey Whales, Sperm Whales, mama whales with their calves, and the largest of all, the California Blue Whale. I never tire of seeing the spout, the slow roll of their back as the dorsal fin cuts up through the water, and back down again. And if they are diving, catching a glimpse of their tail fluke as they make their descent.

The snails trail block is to represent the time we got the rare and amazing opportunity of seeing a whale doing bubble net feeding. The swirling nature of this block pattern reminded me of how the water looked as the whale would dive down, and then circle up through the water blowing bubbles as it ascended.

I will post a picture of the finished quilt when it has been completed.

1 thought on “Teal Waters Run Deep

  1. I can relate! I used to sail too, but much smaller boats, little Lasers. But that was many years ago, and time and health now prevent. Also, we are on the migration path for Southern Right Whales, so although we don’t get up close, it’s not at all unheard of to see spouting and breaching if you’re on a high vantage point. Your blocks are beautiful, and a real asset to the quilt. I have two more sets to come in, after which I’ll be able to reveal the layout. Not long to wait now!

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